Aqui segue um email giro de um ex-participante...é mesmo verdade que a Rota nunca se esquece! ; )
Hi Rota!
3 years are passed since our beautiful project, the ISAF 2007 in Cascais!3 years
ago today we (the volunteers) were all flying back home. But something has never
left that project...
I m still in touch with the most of the volunteers, and I had the opportunity to
meet few of them during these years almost everywhere (in Poland, Finland,
Estonia, and even here in Italy)
So..I m just here to say thanks. After 3 years, I still remember that project,
and I remember all the smiles, laughts, and happyness that it gave me.
When the project started I was in a very confusing moment of my life, I had
broke up with my girl, everything looked grey and sad. And then...the project
started..and It gave me soooo much energy, so much positive energy, that it was
like a new beginning, that lead me after to take a longer EVS in Finland...and
somehow..changed my life
Thanks. I will never forget that summer.
Un abbraccio
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