sexta-feira, agosto 23, 2019

A Rute, a Bulgária e um festival - ESC 19


Durante 2 meses estive num projeto de voluntariado na YDCMA na Bulgária e apesar de todos os percalços foi uma experiência incrível! 


O primeiro impacto que tive quando cheguei à Bulgária não foi o melhor pois era muito difícil comunicar e a maioria das pessoas não sabiam falar inglês. Depois do primeiro choque e aprender como lidar com aquela nova cultura chegou o dia em que começamos a trabalhar no nosso projeto. 


Éramos 12 voluntários de diversos países os quais dividimos a mesma casa por 2 meses e que por incrível que pareça e devido a toda a nossa organização correu super bem.  
Na organização o nosso objetivo era colaborar na realização de um festival na cidade o qual era relacionado com ecologia e a proteção do meio ambiente, mas fizemos muito mais que isso. 


Tivemos diversas atividades desde criar pequenos vídeos relacionados com o meio ambiente, tivemos os nossos "Language cafes" onde cada voluntário fazia uma apresentação e pratos típicos do seu país dando assim a conhecer um pouquinho mais de onde viemos à comunidade local, fizemos apresentações em escolas tentado alertar os jovens sobre a prevenção ambiental e dar a conhecer o festival local, participamos numa parada num dos maiores festivais da Bulgária - The Rose Festival, criamos a "Trash Thursday" que consistia em limpar a cidade todas as quintas-feiras apanhando o lixo do chão tentando assim com que as pessoas nos vissem e ficassem mais consciencializadas sobre não colocar lixo no chão. 


Para além dessas atividades a organização deu-me a oportunidade, visto que sou designer, de colaborar com eles na realização do cartaz do festival. Foram dias intensos onde também tive também a oportunidade de visitar a Bulgária que foi um país que me surpreendeu em vários aspetos. Durante o festival tivemos a oportunidade de acampar, conhecer voluntários de outras organizações da Bulgária, criamos diversos workshops e ajudamos em toda a montagem do festival. Apesar do festival não ter sido o que esperamos foi uma experiência super enriquecedora para mim, onde tive a oportunidade de conhecer diferentes realidades, de praticar o meu inglês e sobretudo aprender a superar-me.


14 comentários:

عبدالله الشحات disse...

This article is a masterclass in storytelling that had me captivated from start to finish. The author's writing style is both engaging and evocative, with the article transporting the reader to a different time and place. What I found particularly impressive about this article is the author's ability to bring the characters to life, making them feel like real people with hopes,

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dreams, and struggles. The article is also well-researched, with the author providing historical and cultural context that adds depth and meaning to the story. Additionally, the article is well-structured, with a clear beginning, middle, and end that builds towards a satisfying conclusion. Overall, this article is a testament to the power of storytelling and a must-read for anyone looking to be transported to a different world.

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كتالوج مواسير hdpe تتميز مواسير HDPE بخفة الوزن، مما يجعلها سهلة النقل والتركيب. كما أنها توفر كفاءة عالية في نقل السوائل، حيث تقلل من خسارة الضغط وتحسن تدفق السوائل. تعتبر مواسير HDPE أيضًا عازلة للكهرباء والحرارة، مما يجعلها مناسبة للتطبيقات التي تتطلب عزلًا جيدًا.

CLADING2222 disse...

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Embarking on a 2-month volunteer project at YDCMA in Bulgaria was a transformative journey, filled with challenges but ultimately rewarding. The memories created are as enduring as the positive impact made. Also, kudos to sustainable initiatives like cement kiln dust in Texas, contributing to a greener and cleaner environment.

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Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a crucial material used in a wide range of industrial and domestic applications in Egypt, particularly in plumbing, sanitation, and infrastructure projects. Thanks to its numerous benefits, including flexibility, durability, and resistance to corrosion and chemicals, PVC products have become the top choice for contractors and companies in Egypt. In this article, we will explore the leading PVC pipe and fitting companies in Egypt, with a special focus on the Egos factory, recognized as one of the top manufacturers in the industry.

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Pipe Factory of pipes in Egypt are an essential component of the plumbing and water supply industry. These factories provide a variety of products, including PVC and PPR fittings, which are used in fresh and hot water systems. They rely on modern manufacturing techniques to ensure high quality in line with international specifications. It also plays an important role in meeting the growing demand for pipes in building and construction projects, which enhances the Egyptian market's ability to compete locally and internationally. Through continuous innovations, these factories seek to improve production efficiency and provide integrated solutions that meet the needs of customers.

CLADING2222 disse...

صيانة سخانات مياه شمسية يتطلب تخطيطًا دقيقًا لضمان الكفاءة والسلامة والراحة. إليك بعض النصائح المهمة التي يجب مراعاتها عند تركيب النظام:حدد مصدر الطاقة: اختر بين الغاز، الكهرباء، أو الديزل بناءً على توافره وتكلفته في منطقتك.
حدد النظام المناسب:
تدفئة المياه (Hydronic): يعتمد على تسخين المياه وتوزيعها عبر الأنابيب.
تدفئة الهواء (Forced Air): يعتمد على تسخين الهواء وتوزيعه عبر قنوات.
تدفئة تحت الأرض: خيار مثالي للمنازل الحديثة.

CLADING2222 disse...

شركات موازين تقدم مجموعة واسعة من الحلول لتلبية احتياجات مختلف القطاعات، مثل الصناعات، الزراعة، التجارة، والنقل. عندما تبحث عن شركة موازين في مصر، هناك مواصفات ومعايير يجب أن تتمتع بها لضمان جودة المنتجات والخدمات المقدمة مثل حصول الشركة على شهادات اعتماد من هيئات متخصصة مثل هيئة المواصفات والجودة في مصر. وتوافق الموازين مع معايير القياس الدولية

lol disse...

مواسير الصرف الصحي الخارجية هي أنظمة مصممة لنقل المياه المستعملة والمخلفات من المباني إلى محطات المعالجة أو مواقع التخلص منها. تُعتبر هذه المواسير عنصرًا أساسيًا في البنية التحتية لأي مجتمع.

lol disse...

تعتبر شركات مواسير البلاستيك بولى بروبلين في مصر من الرواد في تقديم حلول أنابيب المياه والصرف. تتميز هذه المواسير بخفة الوزن، المتانة، ومقاومتها للتآكل، مما يجعلها خياراً مثالياً للعديد من التطبيقات.