A Johanna é uma rapariga sorridente e dinâmica vinda da Alemanha, a fazer Erasmus em Portugal. Ela estará connosco até Dezembro e aguarda pela vossa visita! Se precisas de mais desculpas para vir ter connosco, ficas a saber que ela irá dar o Tandem de Alemão todas as terças-feiras, entre as 17h30 e as 18h30 (tens é de ter já algumas bases...mas para mais informações consulta o nosso site!)
Aqui fica o seu testemunho:
"After arriving in Portugal last January and studying one semester in Lisboa through the Erasmus Programme, I wanted to put everything I learned until now into some practical work and experience in Portugal from a different kind of view.

As I am studying European Ethnology, traveling and living in different places and in different cultures always inspired me. It’s a great opportunity to get to know a specific culture more deeply, like during this one year stay in Portugal. Nobody can ever take away those experiences and memories you collect during a stay abroad. It’s great to see your feeling changing from “still feeling foreign” into eventually the coming up feeling of “familiarity and confidence”. And this is what is happening to me right now. I start feeling home here.

Rota Jovem is also part of this. I was so lucky to get an Erasmus Placement here at this youth organization for the next three months. Although I am only working since less than three weeks here, I feel already very comfortable at Rota Jovem. Everyone is always helping me if things are still unfamiliar to me or if I still have some language difficulties. My colleagues set a big value on giving me the chance to take on responsibility, working independent, bringing up new ideas and making me feel comfortable here. Rota Jovem inspires me and I try to also inspire them. Any ideas here at Rota Jovem can be changed into activities and that’s what I like a lot.
Therefore I’m looking forward and I am very excited for the time here at Rota Jovem and the experiences and memories I will collect!"
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